
Showing posts with the label universe

Utopia? Yes please.

Utopia is a place? Does it exist? This question takes me back to the time of the aboriginal tribes and the first bipeds. Aboriginal tribes had a way of maintaining peace in their communities. They were one of the first. They were learning the ways of the world and the ways to survive. They were not developed. They didn't arrive at the information age. They were simply trying to not get beaten or eaten. They helped their tribe by keeping everyone else out. If you were an individual colonist, it was likely that you would face serious danger, as they felt threatened by your presence (rightly so). However, if you were a group of colonists who could in some miraculous way reason with them, they would eventually come to terms with your proposal and comply, allowing you to potentially co-exist peacefully with them. But is that what happened? Do we still live in that era? The point of contention even in modern society is about who owns the land and about many other virtual constr

The Seven Signs of Life

Since the beginning of intelligent life form, we've been wondering, what else? Is there something else out there? They created the concept of god, as the creator of the universe and a heaven beyond the immeasurably vast expanse of that universe and people believed that for a while. Then they realized that we are not alone and all there is to play is the universe. So we began our voyage out. For years explorers have been trying to discover life on other planets, for any signs that aliens exist. What I dare to ask the scientific community, the astronomers, NASA, ISRO, or Caltech is: Are we shooting in the dark? The matter is, life as we know it is not life as they might know it. Water, the essential ingredient to sustain life on our planet Earth, may not be the essential ingredient and in fact may not be an ingredient at all to sustain life on any other exoplanets. We need to think beyond the understanding of our current micro-planetary laws and of science that determines how thi